and activities


Our objectives

The services and activities of the chair aim at opening new perspectives and recommendations related to the implementation of innovative and integrative healthcare approaches that are oriented toward the individual and his well-being.

In this objective, the services and activities provided aim at:  

Encouraging thoughts and reflection on well-being and emotional health, thanks to meetings and interactions between health professionals and innovative companies;

Encouraging research in this domain by gathering knowledge, skills and expertise in multiple disciplines (human and social sciences, psychology, marketing, economy, management);

Developing partnerships and multi-disciplinary collaborations with actors from both the academic and institutional world (companies, associations, health facilities), in France and abroad, in order to suggest a holistic approach of well-being and health;

Integrating research projects in the pedagogical innovation.


The managerial tools

The chair coordinates the creation of managerial services and tools at the disposal of the partners. These tools are created based on specific needs of the companies and are directly related to the qualitative and quantitative studies that are conducted by the team. It can be for example:  

The creation of white books that enable to extend the visibility of the partners toward a large audience;

The organization of events (conference, breakfast, formation, seminars, etc.) related to specific themes. These events stand for opportunities to interact with professionals from different sectors and to extend one’s professional network. They help to arouse discussions on central and secondary topics and then, to extend the reflection about the best practices for patient experience.


The pedagogical tools

The chair also coordinates the creation of pedagogical tools in order to extend the knowledge that comes from the research studies among the students. The multiple programs proposed by PSB (Master in Management, Bachelor, MSc, MBA, Executive) offer the possibility to involve students with various profiles, involved in different specializations, by investing in various projects, such as:

Case studies that are created in collaboration with the partners;

Health related projects that are integrated in the courses’ content;   

Dissertation topics for 5th year students that deal with interesting areas of research for the partners;  

Cross-cultural studies that involve foreign students from international programs;  

Seminars and conferences related to health and new challenges with professionals and experts

Innovative activities in student associations with the development of engaged and responsible projects.  


Our objectives

The services and activities of the chair aim at opening new perspectives and recommendations related to the implementation of innovative and integrative healthcare approaches that are oriented toward the individual and his well-being. 

In this objective, the services and activities provided aim at:

Encourager la réflexion autour de la notion de bien-être et de santé émotionnelle, grâce notamment à des rencontres et échanges multiples entre les professionnels de santé et les entreprises innovantes ; 

Encouraging thoughts and reflection on well-being and emotional health, thanks to meetings and interactions between health professionals and innovative companies;

Encouraging research in this domain by gathering knowledge, skills and expertise in multiple disciplines (human and social sciences, psychology, marketing, economy, management);

Developing partnerships and multi-disciplinary collaborations with actors from both the academic and institutional world (companies, associations, health facilities), in France and abroad, in order to suggest a holistic approach of well-being and health;

Integrating research projects in the pedagogical innovation.


Les outils managériaux

La chaire coordonne la mise en place d’outils et services managériaux à disposition des entreprises partenaires. Ces derniers sont réalisés sur la base des besoins spécifiques des entreprises et sont ainsi directement liés aux études qualitatives et quantitatives réalisées par les chercheurs de la chaire. Cela peut être par exemple :  

La rédaction de livres blancs, qui permettent d’assurer une visibilité des entreprises partenaires auprès d’une large audience ;

L’organisation d’événements (conférence, petit-déjeuner, formation, séminaire etc.) portant sur des thèmes précis : ces événements constituent un espace d’échange entre professionnels issus divers secteurs d’activité. Ils permettent d’élargir son réseau professionnel et de faire émerger des discussions sur les sujets d’intérêt centraux et sur des sujets annexes, et ainsi de faire avancer la réflexion sur les meilleures pratiques dans le domaine de l’expérience patient. 


Les outils pédagogiques

La chaire coordonne la création d'outils pédagogiques afin d'assurer la diffusion des connaissances issues des travaux de recherche auprès des étudiants. Les multiples programmes proposés par PSB (Programme Grande Ecole, Bachelor, MSc, MBA, Executive) offrent la possibilité d'impliquer des étudiants aux profils variés, suivant des spécialisations différentes, et ce, sous plusieurs formes, comme par exemple : 

Travail sur des études de cas réalisées en collaboration avec les partenaires ; 

Travail sur des projets santé intégrés aux formations proposées ;  

Définir des sujets de mémoires pour les étudiants de 5ème année, portant sur des problématiques d’intérêt ; 

Impliquer des étudiants étrangers dans le cadre des programmes internationaux et envisager des études cross-culturelles ; 

Organiser des séminaires et conférences sur le thème de la santé avec des spécialistes et professionnels, y compris des représentants des partenaires de la chaire ;

Impliquer les étudiants dans des projets engagés et responsables dans le cadre de la vie associative.